Iperius Backup has a convenient function that allows the user to export all the program log files with a simple click.

This procedure also exports Windows logs, which are useful for identifying more complex system problems.

You can see in the image below the button that allows to export all logs, in the “Tools” tab:


The same operation can be started simply by typing the keyboard shortcut CTRL+E, on the main window of the program.

When you click on the export button, Iperius will create a password-protected zip file, and ask you to save it in a folder. Password protection is necessary to ensure data privacy in the exchange of information between the user and the Iperius Backup support team. This password is used only by authorized persons in the Iperius support team, and cannot be communicated to the user.

If the user needs to manually export all his logs, without carrying out the automated procedure that protects the logs with the password, it will be sufficient to access the “C:\ProgramData\IperiusBackup\Logs” folder, where all the logs can be found, and copy or compress them with a common zip compression software. It should be remembered that the “ProgramData” folder on Windows is by default a hidden folder, so it is necessary to enable the display of hidden files or directly type the folder path in the address bar.


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How to export Iperius Backup logs?
Iperius Backup Team

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