2022 marked the debut of vSphere 8, a comprehensive workload platform designed for both traditional and next-generation applications, which will be generally available in November 2022. The recent vSphere 8 Update 1 brings increased operational efficiency to administrators, boosted performance for high-end AI/ML workloads, and increased security across the environment.

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Iperius Backup is one of the best software for backup and replication of VMware vSphere 8, in incremental and differential mode, compatible with ESXi Free, vCenter and ESXi Cluster.

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Features introduced with VMware vSphere 8 Update 1:

Increased operational efficiency

Administrators often find themselves performing repetitive tasks to maintain their working environment. Activities such as host and cluster configuration, upgrades and upgrades are critical to the continued health of your infrastructure, but can take valuable time and resources away from running mission-critical workloads. With the Update 1 version, vSphere 8 introduces additional features aimed at reducing operational loads and improving efficiency.

Boost workload performance

Organizations face increasing challenges to improve the performance of AI/ML workloads. AI/ML workload sizes continue to grow and use more and more GPUs. This explosive GPU demand is being met head-on with vSphere 8 Update 1.

Increase security

In today’s landscape, organizations are faced with increased security risks. Maintaining security can be time consuming. vSphere has several built-in security features, and with Update 1, the security of mission-critical workloads is further enhanced.

Simplify operations with advanced features

One of the major improvements in vSphere 8 Update 1 is the introduction of VMware vSphere® Configuration Profiles™. This feature, initially introduced as a technology preview in vSphere 8, will become generally available and fully supported with Update 1. It greatly reduces manual work and time spent by administrators by streamlining host lifecycle management with one declarative model using a JSON file. Management of desired host configuration, compliance, drift correction, and security standards can now be done seamlessly at the cluster level.

Integration for greater efficiency and availability

Another notable feature is the integration of VMware Skyline™ Health Diagnostics™ with VMware vCenter®. Skyline Health Diagnostics is VMware’s self-service diagnostics platform that helps administrators diagnose problems, troubleshoot errors, and schedule and run health checks automatically. With Update 1, Skyline Health Diagnostics will be integrated with vCenter, making it easily accessible to administrators. This integration will save time and improve workload, ESXi and vCenter availability.

Increase GPU usage and reduce costs

vSphere 8 Update 1 also introduces the ability to assign different application types – VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure), computing, graphics, etc. – to vGPUs on the same physical GPU. This will help administrators improve GPU utilization, reduce workload fragmentation in GPUs, and reduce costs.

Environmental, social and governance objectives

vSphere 8 introduced vSphere Green Metrics, which helps administrators monitor the energy consumed by host-level infrastructure operations and workloads. In Update 1, this feature has been improved by providing power consumption at the virtual machine level. Administrators can now monitor and optimize workload power consumption at the VM level and contribute to their organization’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals.


More info:  https://blogs.vmware.com/vsphere/2023/03/announcing-vsphere-8-update-1.html


VMware vSphere 8 Update 1: A Leap Forward for the Enterprise Workload Platform
Iperius Backup Team

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