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Starting from version 6.5, Iperius Backup includes a new powerful cloud storage service: Iperius Storage S3.

This service allows you to easily and efficiently save your files on the Iperius S3 cloud storage platform, based on Tier IV distributed datacenters.

Online backup is very important to protect your work from hardware failures, thefts, natural disasters and of course cyber attacks, such as the well-known Ransomware viruses. Having one or more online copies of your files allows you to have an additional level of security to protect your company in an absolutely effective way and to guarantee the so-called business continuity.

Iperius Backup is a complete software for making backup copies of files, ESXi and Hyper-V virtual machines, SQL Server and MySQL databases, Exchange mail servers, workstations and physical servers making drive image backups. All these backup types can be easily transferred to cloud destinations. Iperius can in fact perform automatic backups to Google Drive, Amazon S3, Wasabi Cloud Storage, Aruba Cloud, OneDrive, Microsoft Azure Storage, Dropbox, Google Cloud Storage, and any other S3-compatible storage. The list of Iperius features is therefore extremely wide, and offers a configuration flexibility that is unrivaled.

In addition to the well-known storage services listed above, Iperius offers two directly managed professional solutions, Iperius Storage FTP and Iperius Storage S3, both of which can be used transparently by Iperius Backup.

In this article we will show how to activate your Iperius Storage S3 plan, and how to make a backup (upload) of files on it.

An Iperius Storage S3 space can be purchased starting from this page: Plans ranging from 50 GB to 3 TB can be chosen. Once the purchase has been made (it is possible to pay by credit card or PayPal), you will receive the credentials necessary to configure the backup, i.e. Access Key and Secret Key, typical of each S3 storage system.

Let’s see how to configure the backup inside Iperius:

First you must create a new backup operation by clicking on the appropriate button:


Then select the files and folders we want to back up:


Obviously you can configure the backup of even more complex items, such as drive images, virtual machines, databases or mail servers.

Let’s proceed to the next step, where you will configure the destination to Iperius Storage S3:


To configure the Iperius Storage S3 destination, you must first create the related account. As you can see in the image above, click on the button to add the account, then on “New”, and then select the account type: “Iperius Storage S3″. Finally insert the Access Key and Secret Access Key that you received after the purchase of the storage plan. Click on “Save” and close the previous window to return to the destination configuration.


As you can see in the image above, there are several settings that can be configured for the Iperius Storage S3 destination. You must first choose the name of the bucket (remember that this must be unique at a “global” level, that is, there must not be other users who have used the same bucket name), then you can specify a subfolder path, the backup type and whether to enable zip compression before the upload. There are also numerous other options, such as password protection of the zip file, synchronization, etc …

Click OK to apply the settings and continue configuring the backup job.

You can leave the options at default, and move on to the next panels to configure a schedule (to run the backup automatically at specific days and times), email notifications at the end of the backup and the execution of scripts or external processes. Then you come to the final panel where you can save the backup job.


Save the backup configuration by clicking on OK, as shown in the image below:



It will then be possible to immediately run the backup job you have just created.


In a completely automatic way, Iperius will upload the files to your Iperius Storage S3 space, creating a safe, efficient and always available backup.



(Italian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil))

Cloud Backup to Iperius Storage S3
Iperius Backup Team

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  1. Arturas Kriukovas

    What about file size limitations? In Amazon S3 if I remember correctly, file size is limited to 5 GB. An image of my VM is easily 50 GB. How this should be approached, as Iperius Backup does not allow file split ?

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