This tutorial shows how to configure email notifications settings in Iperius. This function allows to send email notifications after the backup is completed, to one or more recipients and also depending on specific conditions.
This feature is very useful for safety and reliability of data protection procedures. Receiving a notification by email after the backup is completed, you will be always sure about the correct result of your backup.
Email notifications can be configured separately for every backup job (while email accounts are shared). In the backup job configuration, in the “E-mail notifications” panel, check the option “Send an email notification at the end of backup”. Then insert email subject and recipients.
In the email subject you can use special variables, that allow to make it dynamic: you can automatically insert the computer name, the job name, and many other information.
Below you’ve to set an email account, to be used to send the notification email, just like a common Outlook or Thunderbird account. You can create unlimited accounts and use them in different backup jobs.
In the picture below you can see the typical data requested for a generic email account: sender email, SMTP server address, username and password, secure connection (you can also configure an additional POP3 authentication if your provider requires it).
Gmail Account Configuration
The Gmail account configuration requires some additional steps to be done on the Google Cloud Console.
NB: If you already use a Google Drive account within Iperius Backup for Cloud backups, you can go directly to point 4.
- Go to
- Create a project from “Select a project”:
- Once the project is created, in the left menu (“API and Services”), click on “OAuth consent screen“.
Select “External” and enter your email address and the name of the application. This is the name that will be shown in the “Consent screen” when making authentication from Iperius.
Leave all the other options to their default values and go ahead clicking on “SAVE AND CONTINUE“.
As last step go in the left menu on “OAuth consent screen” and click on “Publish App”, then click on on “Confirm” in the screen.
- In the left menu (“API and Services”), click on “Credentials” and choose OAuth Client ID from the “Create credentials” menu:
Now select “Web Application” as Application Type, and enter as ‘Redirect URI’ ““, as described in the following images.
Then click on “Create “.
- Immediately, CLIENT ID and CLIENT SECRET will be shown on the right. Copy these credentials and paste them into Iperius, in the window where you’re creating the Gmail account.
Let’s see below the correct configuration to use a Gmail account in Iperius Backup.
Enter the “Client ID” in “User name” and the “Client secret” in “Password“, then to test the account click on “Send test e-mail”:
At this point Iperius will open a browser window where you will have to allow authorization to Iperius Backup (you will also need to log in with your Google account if you are not already connected).
Before authorization, the browser may show the message “This app isn’t verified”. This is not a security problem, so we can proceed by clicking on the “Advanced” link and then on the “Go to … (unsafe)” link, as shown in the image below:
Finally confirm the authentication:
The configuration of the Gmail account has ended and the browser will show this message:
The code should be automatically “intercepted” by Iperius.
If Iperius should be unable to intercept the code automatically, a simple text box will be shown where you can enter it manually.
Once you saved the account, you can use it here and in any other backup job.
You can choose if send the email notification every time or only in specific cases. For example, you might want to receive an email only when an error is occurred, or depending on some other specific conditions.
Finally, remember that, among the backup monitoring methods available in Iperius, you also have the Web Console, which is very useful when you’ve a large number of backups and installations to be monitored.
Hi, I had expected to find what delimiter to use when configuring multiple recipients in the ‘E-mail recipients’ text box.
I tried using the semi-colon delimiter and it seems to work OK.
you can use as delimiter ‘;’ for multiple recipients.
For any other technical support, please open a ticket on
I’m having difficulty getting gmail setup. I’ve tried “” and ports 25 and 567 but nothing works. Also, since the advent of two factor identification, what settings does Iperius require to handle 2-factor id?
Sorry, I meant ports 25 and 587.
for technical support, open a ticket on